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Pierre [France]

Je suis allé à un atelier de Ray, sans trop savoir à quoi m'attendre. C'était exceptionnel : on a passé trois sessions incroyables, et ça a fait sortir des choses de moi que je n'aurais jamais attendues. Merci !

Anni Urs [Spain]

Ray is not only an amazing teacher but also a wonderful person. I did two workshops with him in Habsheim and they were definitely a before and an after in my life, if you want to experience beautiful stuff, I definitely recommend his workshops!

Annika Dietl [Austria]

Ray's great Clown Workshops inspired me to make my own clownshow for children!

kowalczyk lydie [France]

Dans différentes conventions de jonglage, j'ai pratiqué 3 cours avec Ray : 2 cours clown et un de jonglage. C'est un excellent prof, à l'écoute, patient, drôle, expérimenté. J'espère bien le revoir très prochainement dans d'autres conventions. Encore Merci à toi Ray

La Ninfa Lunática [Spain]

Full of love, and there is not a better way than teaching with love.

Ray teaches you from his essence, a clown, and that makes you to learn every second you spend next to him.

His course is very well organised, professional, without wasting time; you will wish it will never end.

Totally recommended!! 💗💗💗 :●) 💓

Ed Cliffe [United Kingdom (England)]

I had an amazing weekend workshop with Ray!

Ray is a loving, fun, energetic clown teacher. filled with personal stories and games.

He is great teacher for new clowns who need the basics, and still lot of fun still for those who have been to workshops before.

Renate [Austria]

Ray is so enthusiastic and very professional. In his workshops you can learn a lot about clowning but finally you have explored yourself.

I did it myself and I also watched him working with teens - he is unique and does a great job.

Hugs and :o)

Teacher for arts and crafts at Theaterklasse from 'BORG2 Lessinggasse' School in Wien (Austria)

Katarina [Portugal]

love it...

Slobo [Montenegro]


such a good friend and brave man.You inspire people to be positive and human.

Keep on doing good job.

Wish you all the luck.

Mol [France]

Merci pour l'atelier de la Bigood'N' Jongle. Viva banana!

Pavel [Egypt]


Yoan [France]

Vous êtes français et parlez français et bien lui aussi.

Enfin il est espagnol et vient des Canaries mais parle très très bien le français.

Il sait vous faire découvrir le clown avec son intention et ces différents exercices.

Il est humain avec un grand H et vous donne tout ce que l on attend de l amour...

Enfin tout ça pour dire que si vous vous posez la question sur dois je aller faire un stage avec lui moi je vous dit foncezzz

Encore mercininiii à touti

Des biziii

Raghu [India]

I know Ray the friend... A very warm and extremely genuine person. Super glad we met!

Stefano [Italy]

Ray was a lucky meeting! With a few clear tips he has improved our show.

In one of his workshops, he has also given us the "bubble of emotions" that I can now bring it comfortable.

Thanks Ray!

Giada [Italy]

Ray is great person!!! Fun, helpful and enthusiastic, he helped me to improve a lot.

It was a great meeting. Thanks Ray!

Sara [Italy]

Being a clown is being yourself, cool, confident, living the emotions. That's what Ray taught me, great teacher with a big heart. See you soon 😊 Ciaini!

Kyoko [Japan]

I really really enjoyed Ray's workshop in Poland. It was amazing! He taught me so many things not only about skills. I still have so many things that I cannot forget. I don't have enough words to explain how it was good,,, but after 3 days workshop I feel more free before.

Thank you so much. You changed my life more free and more colorful.

Anastasiya [Ukraine]

Wonderful teacher. I got lots of love joy and emotional release during the workshop. Recommend to every one to come to Rays workshops. Love to all.

Neus [Spain (Catalunya)]

Ray has accomplished to teach me things I believed I could never achieve. He is fresh, wise, respectful and funny. He has the gift to create a very comfortable atmosphere for everyone and cohesion within the group, so that you will not feel embarrassed or lonely. Simply put, he is an exceptional clown (and I have seen plenty of them) that knows how to transmit this philosophy, this being. With him as a teacher, you are not going to simply attend a class, you are going to live a very worthy experience. Enjoy it!

Gábor Viktor Kozma [Hungary]

Join the workshop of Ray and let your inner clown free. Play, laugh, cry and enjoy the wonderful time he offers. I can fully recommend to everyone who want to develop as a performer, play as a child or simply explore her/himself as a human being. Ray is a person full with love, tender and attention and he is an excellent teacher. Be brave, be open-minded, let's be a clown!

Dorka [Slovakia]

Hi guys!

If you hesitate about participating at Ray´s workshop, JUST DO IT! You won't definitely regret it, on the contrary.. :D one of the most funnycrazy days await you with an inspirational teacher with a big heart and brain at the same time- quite a rare teacher combination. :) I was afraid of my 1. clown experience, but thanks to very natural workshop structure I had a feeling I was actually born with a clown nose on my nose:). We had awesome time with whole group, and I will definitely use many things even in real life not only when clowning. Ray really helped me to not being afraid of mistakes and especially of public performances with his special encouraging approach and cool anti-stress techniques! RNL!

Anke [Germany]

I was really nervous before the workshop that it might be very embarrassing, as I had never done a clown workshop before...WELL, IT WASN'T!!! It was a bit “out of the comfort zone“ the first 1-2 hours but Ray has such a lovely personality that you just feel good, have fun and enjoy it a lot then. It was amazing :-)

Natalia [United Kingdom (England)]


I took part in a workshop led by Ray in Brno, Czech Rep and it was amazing, from the very beginning to the end he passed his passion and energy on to the whole group! He made everyone feel very comfortable and able to connect with our inner clown! I was quite shy at the beginning and the fun myself and everyone in the class was having made that shyness go away. Lucky to have learnt some great things from Ray and he made me reconnect with the passion I have for theatre and circus!

Thank you :)

Isa [United Kingdom (England)]

Ray held a two-day workshop at Cirqueon in Prague this past month. He gave us all his energy, was open and dedicated to sharing his unique and refreshing clown worldview. One can see the integrity and goodwill in his work; he creates a safe space for even the most self-conscious person by showing respect and always moving forward with optimism. He has a huge variety of teaching resources. The pace was quite swift, and his games and techniques were fun and effective. I hope to study with him again!

Veronika [Slovakia]


Great workshop in school in Bratislava thank you very much it was pleasure

We have learnt lot of new things .

You are great love it!! 💓💗

Simon [France]

Ray is a great clown from deep inside his heart. He loves to share his philosophies. His workshop is more than just a clown workshop :)

Tereza Hroníková [Czechia]

Thank you for being here in Prague. You've been wondrerfull guest in our house and the workshop in Cirk School Cirqueon was full of funny games and lovely speaches among every steps. Your preparation for work with people is always perfect. :-)

Jacques [France]

Ray est très sympa et il y avait une très bonne atmosphère dans le stage. Son approche du clown me convient parfaitement et nous avons fait un tour complet de la plupart des grandes questions. C'était si intense que je suis depuis cloué dans mon lit avec 39°C de fièvre :-)

Chiara [Italy]

Great teacher, with infinite positive energy... And wonderful human being, full of life and joy! :o)

Lisa [Germany]

Ray has a big heart full of passion and love and likes to share it. He taught me to laugh about mistakes, the power of being honest to people and to see that we are free to choose what to do in life and that all can work if we are passionate. He is a great teacher, very good organized and, I think this is very special, can take all pressure from his students. I hope many people have the chance to meet him and get inspired by him and his workshop!

Thank you Ray :)

Deborah [Switzerland]

I followed a clown class and loved it. Ray is a very good teacher, he knows a lot and has so much energy !! I wish you all the best !

Víctor [Spain]

Great combination of technique and heart!! Bravo!!!

Ane [Spain (País Vasco)]

Ray is really nice, funny and a lovely person. I recommend everybody to participate in his workshop.

Maria [Romania]

Ray is a great clown teacher. I have participated at one of his workshops at Romanian juggling convention a few years ago. It was a great experience, still remember some fun tricks.

Hannah [Poland]

This beautiful person shares his love and passion with everyone that is interested with huge dose of energy and engagement. His workshops are not only professionally prepared but also give the participant the feeling of being accepted, not judged by anything. Ray has the power of making his and others life and incredible adventure!

Theus [Brazil]

Ray is such a good guy that i meet last year at the circus festival in england, I`ve done one of his workshop and was so good and so helpful, looking forward to see u again here in england bud.

Elena [Slovakia]

Honest, kind, wonderful person and definitely a good teacher. Had fun on his workshops twice, planning on attending for the third time. :)

Zuzan [Slovakia]

Ray is wonderful person person teaching spontaneity, confidence and love!

Dani [Spain]

Hello everyone! The workshop that I have liked most at the European Juggling Convention 2016 was the Ray's clown workshop. I did not miss any of his interesting, dynamic, fun and unique sessions, that I have enjoyed a lot and I remember with love. I will not lose the opportunity to join his workshop again, because I love it.

Nina [Slovakia]

A wonderful person, who can show you in just a few hours the most important things for being a clown: be open, have a big heart, be a child again and enjoy your life. Doesn't matter if you're a beginner or professional, you can take something with you and you just feel good, you stop thinking and start feeling again. Something we sometimes forget in our every days life.

Richard [United States of America]

I still tell stories years later about Ray's clown workshop at the 2015 European Juggling Convention. As a professional performer, it's helped quite a lot in the years since I've taken it.

Susi [Austria]

Hello People, with Ray i had such a joiyull time!! We played a lot and i feel totally happy now!! My Clown skills have improved a lot!! And improvising is much easier now then it was before!! Ray has A big heart! Thank you for learning that much!

Pavel [Montenegro]

If you want to learn something about juggling and to have idea how one Clown should look like, Ray is the person with the answers. And he is funny.

Marta [Poland]

Ray gave us tons of positive energy and practical skills how to work with it to keep it's level during his workshop. It was a great weekend, when I came home full of great thoughts and new visions. I feel much more comfortable and relaxed doing my performances and speaking to people.

Thank You!!!

Wis [Poland]

Ray is a great guy and clown, not necessarily in that order. He has a big heart and a great passion for teaching others how to be a better clown, and a better person, because for him clown is a way of life. His workshops are very dynamic and time efficient, which helps to remember what Ray teaches.

Benoit [Belgium]

Heyyyyy Ray,

J'ai eu un peu trop peu de clown à l'EJC 2017. J'ai passé un tellement bon moment entouré de clow, entouré de toi. Je suis impatient de participer à nouveau à un de tes workshop car c'est du bonheur absolu.

Tu es réellement un bon professeur ans I LOVE YOU !

Kamil [Poland]

Thanks a lot! Super energy and a lot of clown love.

Great opportunity to develop your emocional child and geyt use full tools to work on it.

Thanks again and you in the world!

jannalou [The Netherlands]

Thank you for spreading your big smile around with your clownworkshops. You are a great teacher, a funny clown, and a wonderful guy.

Ricci [Germany]

The Workshop during the EJC was awsome, best Workshop i've been to so far :o) I have learned so much new and interesting things, I really enjoyed it! Looking forward to see you again in another workshop, best wishes

Thomas Lyden [:o)]

What a great experience. Talking to Ray at the Imbersago juggling convention was very enlightening...and I loved being a dinosaur.

Helena [Slovakia]

We had a really nice time on Ray's clown workshop in Slovakia. He teaches very clear basics of clowning so you can really understand what clowning is. Thank you for the really nice atmosphere, fun, and great ideas how to teach clowning to kids!!!!!

Marko [Montenegro]

So many things I can write about Ray, but all of them would not be enough to describe his extraordinary personality.

For instance I can say that I am happy to have met such a genuine, smart, good hearted person that learned me so many things, gave me a lot of advices and changed my life, that I truly enjoyed every day we spent together,that he somehow always finds solution to every problem, has broad interests in his life, that he is a creative and imaginative person, an artist in true sense of that word, but above all he always searches and finds good in people, and that all comes from the goodness of his heart.

Ray is like no one I have ever ever met, always positive, easy going and smiling, searching for that perfect moment in life, constantly advancing, progressing and boldly exploring world and soul of people he meets on his way, he is an inspiration to many, true explorer of the complex labyrinth of emotions someone who brings surprises and handful of smiles.

I had privilege to attended his clown workshop, and I can say that he is an excellent teacher,very professional, careful towards his students and true pedagogue, knows to explain the theme he teaches, very analytic and precise, yet so relaxed and persuasive that he can so easily bring you into his magic clown world of emotions.

If you have opportunity to meet Ray, do not miss it, as you will learn something new and different from him every time you meet him, you will learn what hides behind the clown's smile, why is red nose so important, feel good and find purpose and add another amazing person to the list of your friends, as I did, and feel proud as I am proud that I can call him my friend.

Pavi and Nusa [Serbia]

Ray is a great teacher and a great man. He is very spontaneous, true and honest person. We were very happy to meet him,learn from him, and spend some time with him and we hope that he will have some time to come to Belgrade again and do some more workshops ;) ;)

Lisa [Germany]

Ray is a teacher with a big heart! It's a lot of fun and very exciting to see and learn from and with the other people and develope yourself, he makes people achieve things they thought they are not capable to do. Very good experience! Looking forward to meet you again at some place around the world! :o)

Matteo [Italy]


Ray is a great person and a great clown and a great teacher with a big experience of the world, dont miss the possibility to attend one of his classes!!!!

See you soon red nose man!

Diego [Spain]

Hello there!

BTW, I am from Madrid (Spain) :-P

Some time ago I attended a clown workshop by Ray and it was very funny and interesting. He has a lot of passion to teach, and he lives what he teachs. At the same time you can notice from the first moment his experience and he is very proffessional too. I think Ray is a great teacher, a great clown, and a great person. Meet him if you have the opportunity to do it!

Neus [Catalunya (Spain)]

Ray has accomplished to teach me things I believed I could not achieve.

He is fresh, wise, respectful and funny. He has the gift to create a very comfortable atmosphere for everyone and cohesion within the group, so that you will not feel embarrassed or lonely.

Simply put, he is an exceptional clown (and I have seen plenty of them) that knows how to transmit this philosophy, this being.

With him as a teacher, you are not going to simply attend a class, you are going to live a very worthy experience. Enjoy it!